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Carolyn discovered the sport of Nose Work in 2014 when her Doberman, Honor, didn't have the right temperament for SAR. She was directed to CNWI Judy Archer-Dick ( who invited Carolyn and Honor to join an Intro to Nose Work Class. Seeing first hand, over time, how much it helped her dog-reactive skittish dog become more confident and focused was all Carolyn needed to be hooked! She loves the partnership with her dogs, how much they love doing it, and especially, the friendships and comaraderie she has found within the NACSW community. They celebrated many things on Honor's Nose Work journey (placement ribbons, 'regular' parking LOL) but nothing compared to his first NW3 title on his 9th attempt!  


Cooper T Bass joined our family in March 2020 and is Carolyn's Nose Work trial partner. He's a rescue (Cattle Dog/Aussie/Border Collie mix or as I call him - Australian Farm Dog) from a Southern Indiana shelter and loves Nose Work!  He has his NW1, NW2, and recently attained his third NW3 title (NW3 Elite).  Carolyn was thrilled with the Pronounced ribbon he earned with his NW2 title, and even more so when he followed that with another one and High In Trial with his first NW3 title!  Cooper T continually amazes her - our fun is continuing at the Elite level - he has achieved ELT3, and so we continue the journey... 

Gordon's Brigadier vom Swift Run has joined our family - he is a well-bred Doberman from Gordon & Sons Farm, Barlow, KY.  His 'Momma's' Grand dam was Honor's dam!  I have decided to leave him an 'all natural' Doberman, like his sire from Denmark.  He is a goofy adolescent right now, but he did pass his first NW1 attempt in Milford, OH.🥳


Carolyn welcomes you to try Nose Work with your dog! She can connect you with the right people to get you started. Feel free to contact her about how to begin.

© 2023 2 Nose You is 2 Loves You 

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